LINE SET 2022 6x5ml
The set contains 6 pigments for lips and brows, 5ml Reach
- Rosa CRÉME - calm, pinkish red pigment with a touch of brown shade.
- Stylish Nude - rosewood color of medium intensity.
- Bellini - a true beige, sophisticated color with a touch of caramel.
- Luxurious Brunette - the darkest pigment in the palette, has medium warmth and medium intensity.
- Natural Brunette - a natural greyish brown, earthy shade, brow hairs usually have a grey tone.
- Orange Neutralizer - medium orange, not too bright corrector for coverup of grey brows.
CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Stylish Nude
CI 56110, CI 56300, CI 561170, CI 77891, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77891, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Luxurious Brunette
CI 77266, CI 56300, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Natural Brunette
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua,Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Orange Neutralizer
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
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